Do you have the “next-best idea”?  You may be the subject matter expert, but odds are you could use some help addressing all  the details and processes involved in manufacturing a functional product. Partnering with a company like GENMEX , that specializes in product development, can help get your product from concept to manufacturing to fully understand product design and development, here is an overview of how you can move from a great idea to a successful product.

Research a hypothetical user’s needs and why they’d use your product. A profile of a typical user is beneficial, as are detailed notes and sketches. As you’re conceptualizing, look at whether the product solves a problem or if people are looking for something like it. If there’s a gap in the market, you may have an opportunity. If similar products exist, your potential may be limited unless you can improve on what’s out there.


Do you have the “next-best idea”?  You may be the subject matter expert, but odds are you could use some help addressing all  the details and processes involved in manufacturing a functional product. Partnering with a company like GENMEX , that specializes in product development, can help get your product from concept to manufacturing to fully understand product design and development, here is an overview of how you can move from a great idea to a successful product.

Research a hypothetical user’s needs and why they’d use your product. A profile of a typical user is beneficial, as are detailed notes and sketches. As you’re conceptualizing, look at whether the product solves a problem or if people are looking for something like it. If there’s a gap in the market, you may have an opportunity. If similar products exist, your potential may be limited unless you can improve on what’s out there.

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